Saturday was my birthday! 24 years old this year! woohoo! I had to take care of some business since we hadn't been to Tulsa in a while. Our invitations came in and there was a mess up on them so my mom, Dave and I headed to PaperChase to get our order fixed. Turns out they've had a lot of trouble with this brand of invitations we ordered... good to know now! But they said they'd get them fixed asap and would even ship them to us in Norman so we could get them sent out. So that's good! After we took care of that we headed to lunch at Pepper's in Utica Square, my whole family loves Pepper's! We've been going there since I was a kid - they have the best queso ever! It was such a nice day we walked around Utica Square and did a little shopping after lunch. Then Dave and I decided to venture out with Cooper, Boomer and Buster for a long afternoon walk. We are hoping Cooper will learn how to go on a walk without trying to pull you the whole way! My mom's dog's will walk right beside you the whole way! It's amazing!
We got back and my Nana and Grandpa came over for some homemade cookie cake - which tasted good but looked bizarre! (Thanks Dad!)I got to open my presents when they came over. My Mom got me this great bench to put at the foot of our bed. Which has baskets under it - my only hope to solve the pile of shoe mess that ensues at this place in the bedroom. She also got me lots of kitchen utensils all shaped like animals! haha! Duck chip clips, birdy scissors, and bird potato peeler. My Dad went his usual route of picking up a random gift and finding some kind of sentimental value that it has. I love this - my dad got me a bunny rabbit coin bank. He said it's my very own Dinka Jar. You're probably wondering wtf is a dinka jar? Well when I was little my dad had a big old glass water jug that he'd put all his change in, every few days he'd have a pocketfull of coins and we'd go into his office and "deposit" them into the Dinka Jar. We called it the Dinka Jar because of the noise they made when you dropped the coins in dinkadinkadink. Good memories. Thanks Dad!
Then Saturday night we went out to Leon's on Brookside and met up with some friends for a couple of birthday drinks!
Sunday was Easter so we woke up and went to Mass at Christ The King - Fr. O'Brien was doing mass in the gym so we decided to go to that one since he's awesome! We went to brunch at Full Moon and then had to take my Mom to the airport. She left for India again! But luckily this is her last trip for a few months. Thank the lord - we don't like it when she's gone!
It rained all day Sunday - we were supposed to do our engagement pictures but obviously they got cancelled... So we'll be re-scheduling those sometime soon!
Here's some pictures of the weekend and some of my birthday presents! Yay for Birthdays!
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