Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Recent Obsessions/Purchases

I've been shopping online a LOT lately, mostly because every website is offering some sort of discount or free shipping for the holidays, enticing me to check out their latest merchandise.
I finally broke down and bought this blouse that I'd been craving since before OU/tx. It was sold out forever and I checked a few days ago and they had 1 left in stock randomly! I took it as fate and purchased! I think it's the perfect blouse for going out with friends in the fall and winter! (which means it'll get a lot of use) If you think it's perfect for you too... welp too bad! It's sold out again! Keep checking and maybe fate will come your way too! (

I've also been obsessed with finding a cute dress for all the holiday parties we have coming up! Here's the one's I'm loving right now!
BCBGeneration - available at Macy's - I Love the back on it!

I bought this dress at Dillards when I was hunting for the perfect dress, it'll look great with a little cardigan in the winter and with cute sandals and a bright necklace in the summer! Plus it was only $38! At 75% off it was a steal! It's still available online from Dillards - search for BCBGeneration and purchase now!

This is THE dress I landed on for the friend holiday party this year! I'm completely obsessed and cannot wait for it to get here so I can try it on!!! Thank you Free People for creating such a beautiful dress!
(You can't tell by the pictures but the underneath layer is a gold shimmer, perfect for the holidays!)

So the holiday dress is found, moving on...
How great is J.Crew? I would order one of everything in their catalog if possible!

I can't decide about these pants... they look comfy and chic but I'm thinking they're too tight..

I love anything and everything Tory Burch makes, so any color of these I'd wear til the bottoms fell out!

What are you all obsessed with these days?

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