This weekend we had a holiday party to attend and decided before we left it'd be the perfect time to take our Christmas card picture. I really wish Santa would have brought me the tripod
I asked for early, but alas he didn't, so TV tray, gift box, cookbook and a dvd were stacked up in order to get the perfect height for the camera.
We tested it out with just us first.
Then I tried to adjust the height of our camera by eliminating a few things and using just the tv tray and a roll of ribbon... which quickly fell and unrolled the entire roll.
Then Dave decided we should just to solo shots...
Yeah, not exactly the look I was going for... So we grabbed the dogs and prayed for one good shot.
And Nigel looks like a zombie in this one..
We were laughing too hard at this point so we gave up and went to the party...
Which was a lot of fun! Here's the pics to prove it!
It was yummmy!
We played Dirty Santa, Dave and I gave a bottle of wine and some Cheesy Poofs. The classy way to have wine and cheese. The poofs were a big hit!
Paul fit 15 cheesy poofs in his mouth at one time! He was the winner.
Ryan and Audra won the shake weight! Everyone had fun trying it out.
It was black and white themed in case you didn't notice...
Same theme as LC's party on Laguna Beach circa 2004.
Dave stayed up all night studying for a Physiology final the night before the party, took the test that morning, came home and slept for maybe 3 hours. He was a little bit goofy due to lack of sleep.
(please ignore that hand back there.. I told you he was goofy)
Per usual, the girls had a dance party!
Group Pic!
Good times with great friends!
The next day we tried again...
Nigel doesn't seem to understand we're telling him to look at the camera not at the ceiling.
He wouldn't be in any AP classes in any Dog Academy.. let's put it that way.
We tried a new position and almost got it... I don't really like this pose though, it makes our tree look small.
I gave up and used an old picture. Maybe next year we'll get a decent picture for the card.