After re-reading my last post I couldn't stop thinking about the episode of friends where Rachel buys the apothecary table from Pottery Barn but can't tell Phoebe where it's from because she hates Pottery Barn.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Laundry Room Decor
We haven't had our own laundry room for 2 years. We've been living in an adorable little duplex right by OU's campus. The location and house have been wonderful, the only thing we could've asked for is a laundry room. I'd be willing to have one outdoors if there was just some way to do our laundry here. But alas, there is not, so for the past 2 years we've either been driving to Dave's parents house in the city to do the laundry or dropping it off at the fluff and fold. The laundromat charges $1 a pound to wash your laundry and fold it for you. This wouldn't be such a big deal but everytime we'd resort to that we'd have at least 20 pounds of laundry that needed to be done. That gets pretty pricey.
Anyways, enough about the old laundry situation and onto the fun stuff. Our new house has a little laundry nook off of the kitchen. On one side is the washer and dryer and the opposite wall has a long shelf. I want to put cabinets in under the shelf, but funds are going to be tight for a while.

Anyways, enough about the old laundry situation and onto the fun stuff. Our new house has a little laundry nook off of the kitchen. On one side is the washer and dryer and the opposite wall has a long shelf. I want to put cabinets in under the shelf, but funds are going to be tight for a while.
Now here's the fun part, I'd like to put something on that wall. But I really can't stand the obvious laundry room decor that's out there. You know what I'm talking about, the metal signs that say "Laundry 5 cents" or anything that hobby lobby sells as laundry room signs.
Since the laundry nook is off of the kitchen and there is no door separating the two, this wall will be visible to anyone who enters the kitchen. I'd like it to be somewhat decorated and also functional, but I can't really decide on what it needs to achieve that balance. I googled "laundry room decor" searched through the images, and these are a few I'm going to use for inspiration.
I love the look of the apothecary jars in this room. I've been wanting to get some apothecary jars for a while but didn't know where I'd put them/what I'd put in them. The overall room is a little too cold for my likings but I will definitely use the jar idea! What should I keep in them? Laundry detergent? I think buttons might be a cute idea, as I think I'm the only person on earth who actually saves the extra buttons attached to new clothes. You just never know people.
This picture makes doing laundry look elegant, it would make me want to wear heels while folding clothes. I'm not sure of that would ever happen, but it's pretty nonetheless. I also like the idea of having somewhere to hang clothes to dry, for all those pesky "line dry" items from Banana Republic and J.Crew.

I found this next laundry room here, I really like the sort of retro feel to this room. With the hidden ironing board and the glass doorknob hooks I love all the little touches in this room. The only thing I'm not crazy about is the fabric on the cabinets, it's a little bit overkill.
So I still haven't come up with anything to put on that big empty wall. As we all know, people gravitate into the kitchen and this being an open nook I'd really like something to be on that wall. Maybe I could find a pretty painting eventually. I like how this room has cute wallpaper found here.

The little green notebook also found some cute apothecary jars!
What do you all think I should put on that wall? Any ideas?
apothecary jars,
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunroom Decor
I never in a million years dreamed that our first house would include a sunroom! Now my question is how do I decorate it? The girl living there now has a cute daybed in there, I could totally see myself reading magazines and napping on the daybed. But I also kinda like the idea of a sitting area to drink coffee and read. Dave thinks it would make a good bar area, I'm not so sure about that. I need to go back there and really see how big the space is, it would be great if I could fit a daybed and a sitting area in there!
I am really loving the look of this daybed in one of my new favorite blogs that Emily introduced me to!
I am really loving the look of this daybed in one of my new favorite blogs that Emily introduced me to!
I found the daybed at WestElm I'd get it in brown if I wasn't broke from buying a house! Right now about all I could afford is the daybed mattress cover that's on sale for $21. Haha! A girl can dream right? Maybe this is something we could use the $8000 tax credit to buy? Oh good idea! (note to self)
I also found this picture from Southern Living and I like the drop leaf table with chairs, I'd do a more casual chair though.
After my Mom and I veiwed the house we've now started to buy, (there's got to be an easier way to say that? the house we haven't closed on yet? no. It's like we're engaged and the wedding date is the closing date? no. I don't know) Anyways, after we saw the house, fell in love, talked to Dave about it, talked to my Dad about it, talked to my sister about it, ate some lunch, drove by the house a few more times, we decided to stop in some of the cute antique stores that Western has to offer.
There weren't many items that we were impressed with, most of them felt more like estate sales with tons of useless items. Then we walked by these chairs, I'm envisioning them in the sun room with a small glass table and a beautiful fresh flower display. I like the idea that they are kind of wicker and outdoorsy and then kind of fancy with the velvet tufting.
*pisc taken with iphone - doesn't really do the chairs justice - they're pretty!
There were 2 of the blue and only 1 of the green. I think I could get all 3 and just use 2 in the sunroom and 1 somewhere else. I like the idea of them not being the same color. And they're priced at only $37 each.
What do you think?
Sunday, January 24, 2010
New House!!!!
We found a house! My Mom and I looked at it on Wednesday and then Dave and I looked on Thursday evening. Friday morning we made an offer, Friday afternoon our offer was accepted!!! No counter offer or anything. We got everything we wanted! It's the perfect little house for us and we couldn't be more excited! The girl living there now has some really cute stuff but I can't wait to put our own furniture and decor in it! Here are a few pics so you can get excited with us!

Deck in backyard that I can't wait to entertain our friends on!
Backyard - needs some grass, the doggies will love running around here!
Living Room that has a fireplace! Yay! It opens to the dining room.
Dining room with french doors! Window goes into the kitchen (which I love!) Oh and don't worry I made sure all the chandeliers stayed! :)

Kitchen with super cute cabinets, granite countertops and new stainless steel appliances! Never thought we'd be able to have this nice of a kitchen! Oh and the laundry is off of the kitchen! Our very own laundry room! Ahhh! No more laundromat drop offs! We got all the appliances included in our offer too!

Master Bedroom with room for a King Size Bed! Yayyy!

Guest Bedroom
Office and Sun Room off of living room

There's also a larger closet off of the kitchen that is already plumbed for a 1/2 bath - we plan on putting this in as soon as possible. It's always good to have 2 restrooms.
We definitely don't have enough furniture for this house but we'll have fun picking out new stuff for it!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
I'm SO ready for the weekend as I'm sure you all are too! Dave and I both have 3 day weekends thanks to this guy:
We've got a a pretty full weekend scheduled. Tonight we're going to dinner at Iron Starr BBQ with our good friends Ryan and Lindy.
We will eat platefulls like these:
And consume some of these:
Afterwards we'll probably go back to Ryan and Lindy's house or to our house and play Dringa or Cranium. Not sure if Lindy and I will want to play Cranuim since we finally beat the guys last weekend. We might want to hold onto our winners title a little longer. Or maybe we could break in our new Office Clue or Catch Phrase that we got for Christmas? hmmm we'll see! Is it nerdy that we play so many games? We have a LOT of fun... so it can't be that bad right? Don't answer that.
Here's the 4 of us on a typical Friday night last year, right after Ryan and Lindy got RockBand. We started a band and went on tour for a couple months this was all we did when we got together... totally not nerdy.
Then on Saturday, Dave and I are going to look at 5 houses! We're pretty excited from the pictures online a lot of them look pretty good. I know pictures can be deceiving but I didn't see any lime green and orange tiled bathrooms so that's a plus! Hopefully they're better than last weekends losers. I'll let you know.
Here's an orange and green bathroom that's been redone... WAY nicer than the one we saw but still not my style.
So since we'll already be in OKC and our good friends Henry and Julia are coming in to OKC Saturday, we figured we'd just stay the night with our other good friends Kyle and Ashley. We haven't seen Henlia (Henry + Julia = Henlia) since the Holiday Party at Michael's house, so it'll be great to catch up with them!
And Saturday night Ashley is singing at the Prohibition Room so we will all go watch and listen to her and then hang out afterwards! Ashley's a great singer and her cd just came out - check it out here.
Sunday, we're going to head over to Dave's parents house for an afternoon of catching up and multiple loads of laundry! Seriously, we haven't done laundry in 2 weeks! No one is allowed to come to our house until this is remedied. Our hamper overfloweth!
Monday we plan on relaxing! The weather is supposed to be really nice! Maybe we'll take the doggies for a walk and grill out for lunch. That sounds amazing. I miss summer! And I'm dying to see It's Complicated, we will definitely be seeing it this weekend! Especially since I saw2 movies that Dave really wanted to see this week! Both were very good don't get me wrong, I enjoyed them both! But, he owes me!
After seeing Avatar in 3-D
and The Hurt Locker
I can't wait for It's Complicated!
Nancy Meyers is probably my favorite director. I love everything she's done. The Holiday is in my top 5 movie list, it's just the most heartwarming adorable holiday movie. I watch Something's Gotta Give every time it's on tv, which is a lot! I would kill for any of the houses in either of those movies, I'm excited to see Meryl Streep's house in It's Complicated. Here's a few shots I got from this blog, where there is a good description of the whole set!
What are you all up to this weekend? Have any of you seen It's Complicated?
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