I think I'll blog today. Yesterday, my friend Marissa and I decided we'd be each other's motivators to try the
Couch to 5k program. I need to do something to get my butt off the couch and ready for spring weddings (hello fat arms in a sleeveless dress) and for the weeklong bathing suit trip to
Belize at the beginning of June.
So last night I decided to test my running skills, the program starts you off with running in very little spurts then walking then running. I'm not a big fan of having to change the speed that often so I did my own 1st day training. I was feeling a little ambitious, I thought I'll walk for 5 minutes, then run for 5 minutes, then walk for 5 minutes, then run for 5 minutes. I managed to run the first 5 minutes thank you Lady Gaga and Bad Romance. I walked the next 5 which turned into 7 minutes, then got up the speed to run for another 5, at 3 I was ready to give up, I managed to keep it going for another minute but it was awful. I've decided I need to put together a new running playlist. The old one is boring and has no lady gaga, and trying to find a song I like to run to is too difficult while running.

The good news is after I was done cooling down on the treadmill, I did a few arm excercises and thought it would be time to go. Dave and I had planned to meet back at the exit at 6:30 and it was only 6:24. He's never early so I didn't want to stand there for 6 minutes. I decided to walk the track and no less than 1/4 of the way around I got the urge to run again! Ran 2 laps (that's only a quarter of a mile) but was still pretty proud! Running the track was a lot more fun than the boring treadmill! Plus you get a nice breeze. I think this will be my new way to run. Only time will tell, my plan is to go again on Friday after work. Let's hope I can stick to this plan.
Another thing I'm thinking about is going to visit my sister in Kansas. I need to go see her again, and I just found out that Chelsea Handler is coming to Kansas City in May! Maybe I can convince my Mom that this would be a great girls trip/birthday present!?! My birthday is April 11 and Julia's is April 28th. And my Mom and I both LOVE Chelsea Handler, we've read her books and watch her show all the time! It would be such a good time!
I'm thinking we should probably start packing this weekend, since we close on Wednesday. We should probably at least start to think about packing. What do you think? Is procrastination going to be a factor here? We don't really have anywhere to put stuff after we've packed it. The house will end up looking like this again. Yikes.
Disclaimer: this is our actual house, after the wedding we had so much stuff and we didn't have anywhere to put it! After many hours and some new furniture purchases, most of it has a home. I can't wait to go back through the rest of it that couldn't fit!
I need to switch our utilities over to the new house today. We also have to decide between Cox digital cable or switching to AT&T Uverse. We're leaning toward U-Verse b/c Cox has sucked so bad and you can record 4 shows at once on U-Verse. Anyone had any problems with either of these companies?