So that I could ride home with this guy:
I tend to either get really bored and zone out in the car or really hyper and hilarious/annoying. It's debatable whether I was being hilarious or annoying on this Friday evening drive.
So you know what I mean by boring... I took this picture so you could see how boring... this is me searching for gray hairs. Which has become a daily obsession, so far I've found 4.
This is embarrasing. I should probably not post this. Oh well, too late. This past Friday I was hyper. I discovered that I could do a really good parrot voice. I proceeded to talk in this parrot voice the remainder of the drive. It went something like this:
Me: Aarrgh I'm a Parrot
Dave: what?
Me: Aarrgh I've got a good parrot voice!
Dave: (clearly annoyed with the traffic not me) ok great babe.
Me: Aarrgh Roy-G-Biv
Dave: (just shoots me a look like Really?)
Me: Aarrgh Polly wanna cracker! Wait do parrots say that? I think that's just pet birds.
Dave: it's parrots
Me: Aaarrrgh you sure?
Dave: how long is this going to go on?
Me: Aaarrgh you sick of it?
Dave: laughs finally because I quoted this commercial we've both thought was hilarious for the past few weeks. I'm sure you've all seen it but in case you haven't here it is:
You'll find yourself quoting "We're sick of it" in a lot of situations now trust me!
And if you all have any better ideas for how I could pass the time while riding in the car I'm open to suggestions.

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