1st off - this morning I learned that the one and only Lady Gaga is coming to Oklahoma City in July! OMG! I totally freaked out just like this chick:
No idea why I got so excited, but I told everyone I saw all day long. Even the chick at the makeup counter.
2nd exciting thing - my family is coming to visit tomorrow! Can't wait to see them and for them to see the new house!
3rd exciting thing - where the post title came from, Sweet Dee and Mac from one of Dave and I's fave shows are having a baby! Always Sunny in Philadelphia is by far the funniest show on television and you need to watch it! Kaitlin Olsen (or Sweet Dee to fans) told People magazine, "We're so excited it's stupid!".
I need to find my Paddy's Pub T-shirt to wear tomorrow! ahhhhh why haven't we unpacked everything yet!?!?

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