Wow! What a great weekend we had!
On Friday, we had Julia and Henry over to eat some homemade pizza before we went to the Mantel to see Ashley sing. Good times.
One of my great friends Haley got married on Saturday, it was one of the most fun weddings I've ever been to! Props to Haley! She looked gorgeous, she always looks gorgeous, but she looked especially stunning on Saturday, must've been the bridal glow or the amazing dress, either way it was workin for her!
Pics from the wedding!
In my parents front yard before:
In Patti's front yard before:
Dave likes to take candids.
Cheesy Prom Pose
Bryan hung out with us before and wanted a pic :)
Patti and Nick - Nick why so scary?
Me and Dave - I want Patti's azaleas! (she claims they've been there for 50 years, how she knows this I'll never know.)
Haley and JL's first dance!
Pretty centerpieces!
With the beautiful bride!
With my bestie
Lin, a gorgeous bridesmaid!
And I have a crooked smile, don't look too close.
Party people.
Enjoying the wonderful wedding reception!
Me, "Ok, the band is playing Miley, we must dance."
Lin, "Duh!"
Me,"Let's get Dave to take our pic!"
(Note to Dave: use the flash next time!)
Lin, "my feet hurt, let's take a break"
Me, "Ok, but if they play Miley again let's dance!"
Lin, "Duh!"
Hubs being a goober at the after party, we went to JL's restaurant and bar,
only Lindy can look this cute at 1:30 am.
end of the night, waiting on our pizza and debating whether we should hit up Whataburger on the way home.
Sunday, we had a greasy brunch with mimosas and friends and then swang on my parents front swing for a good hour.
Coop loved it!
Matt went with the twisted up swinging technique:
Then he wanted to go high so he could jump off!
Dave, "Ah man that was a cool picture! I want one!"
Dave, "I got too much air and had to do the tuck and roll. Do you think you can get these grass stains out?"
It was the perfect spring weekend, grilled pizza on the deck, enjoyed some music outdoors on a patio and good glass of wine, witnessed a beautiful wedding, danced the night away, crawled to brunch, had just enough champagne to enjoy Sunday on a swing!
Sidenote: check out my friend
Marissa's blog today to see how awesome I am at sending packages in the mail! :) Love ya Mar!