Tomorrow morning we're headed South to Frisco TX for the Jimmy Buffett concert! for the 3rd year in a row, we'll tailgate all day, drink too many margaritas, inevitably end up with a lay wrapped around our ankles, get lost from our friends (or husbands, Lin and I have a tendancy to wander), make friends with randoms because they have a working toilet in their RV, eat way too many mini-pizzas once inside the concert, yell at Jimmy to play Cheeseburger in Paradise again (last year I swear he played it 3 times!), then cab it back to the hotel where we will attempt to order pizza and sleep sweet margarita dreams!
Oh, and attempt a cool picture of me and Lindy chest bumping, because that's always a great idea..? Wth?
note to self - keep sunglasses on towards the end of the day..
Hopefully this year I'll realize my camera is on video mode...
The best part is that we'll be seeing a lot of friends that we haven't seen in quite some time! I can't wait to see everyone in their finest Island Chic! :)

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