3 - number of boat rides it took us to get to our resort from the airport
All - boat rides we took where we wished we were on Ramona's boat from the real housewives of NY bachelorette party weekend
3 - different names we thought our cab driver said, Alejandro, Adelphando, Adelso (Adelso was correct we think?)
1 - number of Michael Jackson inspired jumps done off of the cliff
582 - number of times "It's hot" was said.
1 - number of times my Mom guessed "penis" in cranium
0 - number of times Julia beat Matt at flipping the other person off the raft (sorry Juls, he has a height advantage)
3 - times a day sunscreen and bug spray was applied
12 - number of bug bites on my right leg after day 2
1 - hour in the morning I thought I could put off sunscreen in attempt to burn the itch out of my bug bites
24 - hours of painful sunburn that followed
4 - sunscreen bottles were emptied
1 - number of crabs Dave picked up while searching for seashells
4 - different animal or phone noises made by Adelso on the 2 hour ride to the ruins
15 - amount of money in Belize dollars we were short after ordering too many rum punches (oops! Thanks for bailing us out Mom and Dad!)
1 - potential new "friends" phone number lost by Mom
6 - bottles of rum were consumed
1 - coconut successfully opened and consumed by Dave and Matt
18 - number of times they talked about how awesome they are at opening coconuts
2 - number of fish Julia caught
1 - number of rocks Dave caught
27 - underwater pictures taken that I can't wait to see (Dad, Dave and Matt playing cards at the bottom of the pool - classic)
847 - number of digital photos taken on just my camera
2 - times Dad tried to play FU in scrabble before convincing us that aliken was a word
1 - time Shitter was played in scrabble and then later made plural
4 - number of menu items my Dad told the waitress at the airport before finally landing on a side salad, (kids meal? no you're too old, ok, give me a salad, which one? ummm, no I'll take a burger, ok the Champss burger? No, never mind give me the side caesar, oh no i mean garden salad with bleu cheese)
1 - number of plates that probably got spit in
3 - number of families that could have been fed by Dave's meal in the airport at Dallas
3 - modes of transportation used to get home from Belize (boat, car and plane)
1 - number this ranks on my family vacation scale! Way to go Miggins family! Thanks for a memorable weekend full of laughs and Belikin! :)

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