Why didn't I just buy it? It was $20! What the heck was I thinking? Oh, I was thinking, "we just bought a house and are completely broke." "You can't afford to buy unneccessary things right now." Bring on the regret!
I couldn't stop thinking about how perfect the adorable little stool was... and it started appearing in more and more beautiful rooms featured on blogs.
Never thought about using it in a bathroom! very cute!
After seeing the garden stool act as the perfect accent table/seat to all of these gorgeous rooms, the regret set in more...
I found out they were available for sale at Ballard Designs, but for $139? Um no. I refuse.

They retail for $159 at Pottery Barn... again. No way Jose!
Then one lucky day a few weeks ago, I stumbled into Ross while running around during my lunch hour.
Look at what I found! On clearance for $27!
Yeah I know the print on it is awful but the shape is perfect and I've been dieing to spray paint something with "Catalina Mist".
It's the perfect little side table for our love seat! I've been wanting a table for the love seat for a while but couldn't find anything small enough. Insert Garden Stool + Spray Paint = Perfection and Happiness!
It's more turquoise than it looks in this pic..
That's better. Cooper had something in his mouth... who knows. Ignore that and check out the glorious stool!
You can be jealous of me now. It's ok, if it makes you feel better I had to wait months to get this puppy back when I should have just bought it the first time. Lesson learned.
Is there anything you regret not buying?

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