My sister watched it with my Friday when we woke up after her 21st b-day, it was the perfect thing to lay on the couch and watch for 2 hours. (we fast forwarded through most of it) I couldn't help but notice the similarities between William and Kate's Royal Wedding and my childhood favorite movie Cinderella.
My mom says I would watch Cinderella everyday if I could and one day she let me watch it twice in a row! Obsessed.
So here's why I think they were so similar:
William's uniform could not have reminded me more of the Prince and Kate was wearing long sleeves as well as Cinderella!Also, they both left in a carriage! I mean come on?
I even noticed Kate was waving her hand the same way Cinderella did!
I loved the Royal Wedding! I have now become obsessed with looking at pictures, here are my faves so far:
Did you see her dress for the Reception? I can't tell if it's a completely different dress or the same without the lace and an added belt? Either way it was Gorgeous!!!
And how perfect did she look the day after?
Check out Possessionista for the above blue dress and wedges. I SO wish we had a Zara here!
Did you all watch the Royal Wedding? What'd you think?

I thought of you on Friday since you are her look alike! :) It was so fun to watch!!!
OMG, TINE! This is why we are friends! I taped two broadcasts also... and watched them both this weekend. I also recorded and watched the Dateline special recap. I don't want to delete ANY of it off the DVR! So perfect. I want to be best friends with them! How do you think I can make that happen??
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