We had SO much fun in Austin the other weekend! I cannot wait to go back, I seriously love that city. Dave and I will be spending the next 3 years convincing our families to move there. So we'll have free babysitters nearby of course... why else? haha jk! (sort of)
We drove down Friday and arrived at around 3ish, after checking in and changing suites (the floor in our room was soaking wet, so strange) we walked down 6th street and showed Eric around, it was his first time, and his birthday. Which is probably why 1900 vegas bombs were consumed later on that night.
The 3 of us walked down to
J. Black's and ate the most amazing white queso ever! And had 2 rounds of birthday shots. What were we thinking? After dinner the rest of our group had made it to town so we walked back to the hotel to meet them.
Notice I'm already doing the lifted eyebrows to hold up my drunk eyes... this is not going to end well.
I somehow managed to convince everyone to walk a half a mile to a new bar, Lustre Pearl so that we could all sweat our a**es off and hula hoop!
Eric creeping in the back... it's his birthday, we'll let him get away with it I guess.
But, should we let him get away with this? I don't know..
After leaving Lustre Pearl we all decided we needed to dance, so we started walking toward 6th St. I was being a baby (it was super hot out and the walk was more than 5 blocks) so I asked a rick-shaw driver how much he'd charge me? When he said 1 cent I said Hell yeah! Heather and I hopped on and Dave came along to ensure the guy wasn't giving us a free ride to a back alley dumpster somewhere. :) I watch too much crime TV.
I asked the guy how his night was going, b/c I'm super friendly when staring at people's asses. I kid you not, his response was, "I'm great! I just smoked a lotta hash!" Ohhhhk, whatever floats your boat dude! After several blocks of silence, I had to break the ice again by asking him if he'd ever farted on anyone. I truly make the most lovely conversation after several drinks. For those of you still reading, his response was, "Yes of course, I just try and peddle real fast when that happens." I think that's a good policy.
He dropped us off and we looked for the most air conditioned bar we could find. After the boys ordered their drinks and didn't get us any, Heather and I complained to the bartender and he took care of us with a free shot and a free beer each! Hah take that boys! Or maybe that was their plan all along? To get out of paying for our drinks? Hmmm not sure if I really care either way at this point.
From there we bar-hopped to the Chuggin Monkey where the guys played that dumb game where they slam each others beers and make each other chug. Real mature.
Then a dance party ensued... and more shots.
And then we ended up here:
I knew Heather and I would be good friends the second she cut to the front of the line and ordered us a hot pepperoni pizza to go with 4 sides of ranch.
Luckily, we were walking distance to our hotel, so from here we walked home to engage in a feast.
The aftermath.
The next day, we rolled out of bed, made ourselves look presentable and headed out for some
Chuy's mexican food. Because we clearly hadn't consumed enough the night before.
After we ate, we headed to the Domain to do some shopping, I had a Zara craving and had to get my fix! I brought this guy home with me: yummy!
After shopping, we headed back to the hotel to veg out before another night on the town. Somehow we started watching Life As We Know It. And got all the guys SO into it! Hilarious! We had to get ready before it was over, it was a mini-battle.
We walked to Bar Chi Sushi for dinner, ate way too much and were able to convince a cab driver to take 5 of us to
Kung Fu (they have some weird law in Austin that they're only allowed to take 4 passengers even if it's a van).
We got to see Sunny at Kung Fu! And she convinced Dave to take a shot of pickle juice followed by a shot of straight vodka. Yikes!
We were all tired after the night before and couldn't handle the crowd in Kung Fu, so we left and opted to have drinks at a restaurant down the street. After a few margaritas and vegas bombs (hair of the dog much) we were ready to hit the town again! I didn't take any more pictures until the walk home, but trust me we had a good time.
Dave carried me home, he's such a good hubsband.
It was a great trip and I can't wait to go back!