I've had a cold for a week... bullet points are as good as it gets right now.
- I got the Tory Burch Holiday gift guide in the mail and had to have this iphone case for myself.. I've been wanting a more fun case and this one was a must have! No, I couldn't wait until Christmas, I didn't want it to sell out!
- I made these super cute onesies for a baby shower we went to last weekend! Thanks to Toni for giving me the confidence to know I could do it! It was SO easy! You might remember I saw something similar at Mistletoe Market being sold for $30! Mine cost about $6 to make! Score!
- I attended a baby shower at work - thrown by men. Check out the banner they came up with for the decor!
- My old pal Marissa was in town a couple weekends ago and she had to have some famous Eischen's Fried Chicken! Dave ate an entire chicken. Don't get me started.
- Dave won a Kinect at DentFest and it's provided hours of fun! So far our favorite game is the Adventures game it came with and Dance Central 2! Any other good ones we should ask Santa for?
- I made the dogs homemade dog food from this recipe that was super easy btw - I'm waiting on my Mom of the Year trophy to come in the mail...
- I saw this amazing kids gift in Real Simple magazine - but then I was at CVS the other day (getting cold medicine again yay!) and saw that they sell them in the store for only $20! If I was a kid I would have gone nuts for this present! It's called the Discovery Kids Color Me Castle, and I found them online at JCPenney.
- I'm super excited for Thanksgiving! I made Pioneer Woman's artichoke dip for Dave's family Thanksgiving last night and I'll be making Pioneer Woman's Mac and Cheese as my contribution to my family's Thanksgiving this year! Yummm!