We went to a super fun wedding for our friends Michael and Stacy! Love those Chi-O - Beta weddings! :)
All 3 of us girls below were Chi-O's that married Beta's! All from the same pledge class! Love it!
On another weekend, we celebrated our good friend Tim's 30th Birthday!!!
It called for a trip to Ingrid's where 3 of the guys took on the boot challenge.
The challenge is - you have to drink the boot in under 5 minutes for it to be free.
After the boot challenge we went to BossaNova for some rooftop drinks and one of the guys didn't quite make it... you can see him asleep in the bottom left picture. At least he finished the boot though!
We also attended Emily's wedding in October! It was gorgeous and a total blast! I wouldn't have expected anything less!
I should also mention that I helped decorate her reception for the big day! It's a little side hobby of mine I'm trying to get going more on! She wanted more of an Anthropologie feel as opposed to floral. I think it turned out beautiful! Of course these are terrible quality pictures but you get the idea...
If you know anyone getting married who wants help decorating and coming up with ideas for their big day please tell them to contact me. I looooove it! Oh and I'm pretty shy about this part of it but hey we're all friends right? And I figure if you're still reading you actually might care - I started a little side blog about weddings and party planning. Feel free to check it out and send your engaged friends my way :) Here it is: Party Prep
Well, that's all for now, you're caught up besides the tailgates that is... I'll save those for another day.

1 comment:
Ah yay!!! Thanks for all your hard work with the reception! It was perfect!
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