I need some new summer clothes, and I've decided that I cannot get through summer without owning these wedges:
However, my husband disagrees and says I can live without them... why weren't they available for the Bloomingdale's or Saks Friends and family discounts last week?? Does anyone have a discount at Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus they care to share??? I'll be your bff, and comment on every post you write for a year! (I'm serious about these babies)
I have a gift card to anthro and my birthday discount card (that expires today) burning a whole in my wallet and I cannot find anything I want from there! Somebody help!!!!
I've been wearing these Stella & Dot Felicity hoops a LOT lately - at first I felt very "jersey" wearing big hoops but now I'm obsessed! They're just so delicate and unique I can't get enough!
Have you all heard of the latest internet acronym? Who doesn't want to reply to their bosses emails with this??
Like any other girl my age, I wanted to be Kelly Kapowski when I grew up. When I saw her wearing the Stella & Dot Rebel necklace, I had to copy... Some things never change.
I need lots of gifts in the next couple weeks - Mother's Day (obvi), My sister's graduation, and my MIL's birthday are all in the next 2 weeks! I've got them all some jewels (double obvi) but I want to add something else to their gifts... ready go!
I remember when I graduated college I just wanted money and a dream job... I don't want to just give my sis money though... and I have no control over the dream job situation.