Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thunder Up!!

It's been SO much fun watching our OKC Thunder in the Western Conference Finals!
So fun in fact that I created my own Thunder Cocktail! I'm calling it Thunder Juice.

Citrus flavored Vodka
Blue Glacier Freeze Gatorade G2 (low cal)
1 slice of orange

Drink and watch these guys do their thing!

Anyone want to give me tickets to game 6 tomorrow night??


heather said...

YES! Thunder Up! I am seriously suffering from all the late night games, but I cannot NOT watch! I am going to try your cocktail recipe! Yum!

Sweet Simplicity said...

I wish I could partake in that fun cocktail! Excited for tonight's game!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to try me some Thunder Juice for the finals!!!! Woooo! Looks great :)

Threesome Thousand Oaks said...

I love the creativity behind this Thunder Juice recipe!