What was the best meal someone brought you or you've made for someone after having a new baby?
I'm trying to steer clear of the boring casserole route (unless you've got a recipe for a casserole that kicks all other casserole's asses!) but am kind of at a loss! Help please! I want to be able to bring something over that they will actually like and eat!
This made me laugh...maybe I should bring wine instead?
and for all the preggers or used to be preggers - one of Dave's friends whose in his ob residency sent him this:
OK now send me your recipes or tips on bringing food to new parents! Love y'all!

What about chili or soup? You could also bring stuff for breakfast or lunch. As a new mom I find it almost impossible to sit down and eat, so anything that I can just grab, is perfect - like scones, croissants, a quick sandwich. Hope that helps! And so thoughtful of you!
Aren't you a sweet friend! I remember feeling very freaked out too when my friends started having kids...on purpose. I still don't feel old enough for that - even though I've got one of my own. :)
We didn't have any meals made for us (my friends are not the Betty Crocker type) but we did have people bring over take out and that was wonderful. I think baked goods like muffins or cookies would be appreciated too. Like Katie said, things that can be eaten quickly (or one handed!) are great.
I think you'll make a very fun "aunt"!
I'm not a Mommy yet, but have picked up a few things:
- I've heard snacks are always great (cut up fresh fruit that's easy to eat) since they're often inundated with meals.
- Also, I've emailed menus to new Moms and asked them to place their order w/ me and I'll pick up. McAlister's is a good place for something like that. It's also easy b/c you don't have to cook anything.
I totally agree with Lauren - I craved fresh fruit and veggies once I was home! It was my go to quick snack and I always had a bowl full while nursing. One handed easy to eat meals are great for nursing Moms too. Sandwiches and wraps are easy to grab & go. Lactation cookies are a super great treat too (I have to recipe on my blog!)
Found your cute blog! Ok so I know a thing or two about this. One of the best meals someone brought was thai takeout and food that freezes well, like lasagna. I still couldnt drink because I was nursing. Also one of the best gifts wasn't wine, but gourmet pasta sauce and olive oil. Boring I know, but it was special to me!
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