Here's what I'm watching - with my opinions sprinkled in!
The majority of Sunday is spent watching NFL RedZone - I signed up for an all girls fantasy football team this year and I'm actually pretty into it. I think it's b/c my team is awesome - I'm in first place. NBD. (even though the girl I played this week started 3 guys that were injured... it still counts)
Sunday nights - RHOA just started - it's not my fave RH franchise but I love me some Nene.
Cannot wait for the premier of RHOBH tonight!!! I wonder how Adrienne's divorce will play out... I thought their bickering was kind of cute in the beginning, then it got a little weird. Kyle and Lisa are still my faves. I wish Camille was still an "official cast member" I read she'll just have a supporting role.
Happy Endings - Favorite show right now! - everyone please start watching! It's the new friends but SO much funnier! In case you need some convincing - watch this clip:
The Mindy Project - watched a couple times, pretty funny, loved her book so I'm giving this show a chance.
Modern Family - duh - loved this show since the beginning, although I do think that Claire needs to eat a few chili cheeseburgers - sometimes her thinness is distracting.
Nashville - LOOOVE! Thank goodness Connie Britton got off of American Horror Story - she's amazing and I don't do horror. I look forward to this show the most every week! (Maybe b/c I have a date with a friend to watch it every week but also b/c it's Amazing!)
Lots of good shows on Thursdays(we usually save a few of these for the weekend or Monday) - I'll rank them in order of my faves:
First - The League - see above - obsessed with Fantasy Football and this show's humor reminds me of most of the guys Dave and I hang out with. (don't judge)
Second - Parks and Rec - Ron Swanson and Aziz Ansari. Enough said.
Third - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - weird humor - but Charlie has my stomach hurting from laughter most episodes. If you watch it then you get it.
Fifth - The Office - been watching this since the 1st season so we've got to finish it out, I'm excited to hopefully see Jim move onto bigger and better things and I still hope that Angela's baby is Dwight's.
Shark Tank - makes me want to invent something and become bff's with Mark Cuban. We usually watch this earlier the next week b/c we're never home Friday evenings.
So what am I missing? Or what all are you watching? Please tell me I'm not the only one with this many shows in their weekly lineup...

I didn't know Adrienne was getting a divorce! And, I agree, I was sad when I didn't see Camille in the cast. She sucked in the first season, but I really liked her in the
I haven't watched the RHOBH yet from last night!!! Ahhh!! I love Lisa and Kyle too!! Everyone keeps talking about The League, maybe I should give it a try!!
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