The first trimester wasn't terrible for me - besides the extreme exhaustion I felt pretty good. But once the 2nd trimester hit I realized how much better I felt! Here is a list of my faves for all you other preggos or soon-to-be or someday will be!
Most of the time I felt like this:
Faves to help survive the first few months:
1. Diet GingerAle - I had one of these every morning, made me feel a lot better
2. Lucie's List - sign up for her emails and check out her Registry Info was really helpful to read (since you can't really buy anything until you find out the gender, it's a good time to start researching in general what you'll need)
3. The Girlfriend's Guide to Pregnancy - this book is awesome, the writer is hilarious! My favorite chapter so far - "Why you shouldn't work out while you're pregnant and reasons why - You'll get fat anyways" love it.WAY more entertaining than What to Expect (which I also bought and fell asleep to one night and never picked up again)
4. LUNA protein bars - you need insane amounts of protein when you're pregnant (70g a day) and if chicken grosses you out you may have a hard time getting to the amount you need. These help and they're not terrible. They have 12g a bar and also help you feel full for a while. (You may feel like you're starving all day long like I do)
5. San Pellegrino Blood Orange - this stuff is delicious, it's a nice treat to have when everyone else is enjoying a cocktail, water gets boring after a while.
6. Fiber One 90 calorie brownies - these are actually quite tasty and are packed with fiber which you'll need a lot of, things just slow down when you're busy growing a baby.
7. the WISE baby - another great website/resource for baby products, I've probably looked through 30 of their "Real Mom Favorite Baby Products" Good stuff on here I tell ya.
I'll be back next week with a bumpdate! Have a great weekend!