Next week is Thanksgiving!! On one hand I'm like woah seriously already?? And on the other hand I'm like shit yeah about time! We're going down to Houston this year to spend Thanksgiving with my Dad's enormous side of the family! Looking forward to seeing my 35 first cousins (for real, my dad is one of 12 children, Irish Catholics, I'll tell ya)! And I'll be bringing some fun Thanksgiving Photo Props to document the holiday! You can print your own here!
How cute are these Thanksgiving "Leftovers" printables?! Found via Carolina Charm - link to printables here!
Here's a little sneaky peak into the little guys nursery! I always knew I wanted a daybed for the nursery but once we found out it was a boy I struggled with finding one that I thought was masculine enough. I stalked this baby on Craigslist, had to email the chick at least 7 times before she responded but she did and I made it mine. Then I found out it was 3.5 hours away from my house.. cue Dave calling me a crazy person. But after I listed out all the reasons why it was perfect and what a deal it was, he obliged my hormonal craziness and drove me the 3.5 hours, loaded up the daybed and drove me back. We're off to a good start!
(Note: these are the pics from Craigslist, I obvi cleaned it up and made it pretty)
I've been recording Bethenny's talk show and watching the episodes that sound interesting. I'm SO glad I decided to watch the show where she had James Blunt on! He totally cracked me up during his whole interview and then at the end played his new song, which I'm now obsessed with!
Here's their funny interview:
And here's his new song: (he crashed a wedding to film this video, makes it cuter right?)
I picked up these break and bake cookies at Target before Halloween and was SO happy they had them still for Thanksgiving. You guys, these are seriously the best cookies in the world. Please please go buy some, you can thank me later.
Have you all started your Christmas lists yet? I'm working on a "Gift Guide" but it's taking me longer than I expected... I want to only give you guys THE best options! I'd love to hear if you've posted one somewhere!