How Far Along:
28 weeks!
Baby Size:
A large eggplant - Baby is approximately 14.8 inches long and weighs about 2.25 lbs (according to BabyCenter)
Have you started to show yet:
Yes! I'm starting to feel quite large.
Baby Boy!
Maternity Clothes:
My selection from my closet is very limited these days.. I did go to the Gap Outlet and picked up a sweater and pair of thick leggings that I'm rotating in now. For the most part I'm still wearing the same things over and over.. I figure if I mix it up with a diff scarf or necklace it's totally fine.
Stretch Marks:
Nope but I'm nervous b/c I've been growing a lot! Still using the Mama Mio products and loving them! Pick up some for yourself here.
Sleeping meh.. it's hard to go back to sleep once I've woken up for a bathroom break so I feel like a zombie most days.
Best Moment Lately:
Hitting the 3rd Trimester! I'm so excited to be starting the downhill of this journey b/c at the end is a little precious baby! Dave has been so sweet, he's practically my butler in the evenings b/c I'm back to being super tired. He probably refills my water glass 4 times a night.. so sweet. He is busy studying for boards but it always so thoughtful when he takes his breaks :)
We also had a good time seeing a bunch of friends at a holiday party this past weekend! It was icy and snowy but we still managed to have a great time!
My evening buddies while Dave studies for boards:
What I miss:
I saw an Instagram of a delicious looking swirl from Mi Cocina and I can't stop thinking about it.. I want a big margarita with a mound of guacamole on the side! yummmm!
Tons! I'm starting to feel like a punching bag every evening he gets his workouts in after dinner.
Food Cravings:
Popcorn! We had THE best popcorn at the movie theatre seeing Catching Fire and I've seriously contemplated stopping in the movies just to buy popcorn and leave on my way home from work several times... If the parking lot wasn't always so full I probably would stop.
Aching Hips after lying down for a while.. my doc said it's just my ligaments loosening up.. so that's awesome. My 2 pairs of pants better have a little more stretch left in them! Also starting to get tired like in the first trimester again..
Anything making you queasy or sick:
Nothing in particular but when I eat too much I feel like I could get sick... happens pretty often so I've started eating small snacks throughout the day instead of big meals.
Labor Signs:
Belly Button- In or Out?:
Flat to slightly out.. I think it depends on where the little guy is, sometimes it looks like I have an outie but mostly it's just flat.
Wedding Rings- On or Off?:
Baby Purchases?:
We did a little Black Friday shopping since Gap had everything 50% off! And I scored the cutest Kickee Pants footie on a buy one get one sale at a local boutique! I actually got two but only photographed one.. b/c my brain is fried.
And my aunt gifted us with the below adorable cozy outfit! I can't wait to bundle up the little guy in this cuteness!
Oh oh annnd we got the art back from the framer!! Here's the dresser, lamp, toy basket and artwork! We'll put the changing pad on the dresser and hang the art but for now you get the gist!Looking forward to:
My work shower on Thursday! It's my first shower and I'm so excited to see what the little guy will get and to celebrate with everyone who's been witnessing my growing belly everyday!

Love! yay baby!
Such good purchases! I was just thinking the other day how I wished you were blogging about this pregnancy. Turns out I hadn't categorized your blog correctly in feedly, so it wasn't in a place that I clicked daily. Glad I figured it out!!
You look great! I had the worst hip pain during my pregnancy and my doctor basically told me the same thing and that there wasn't much I could do about it. Thankfully all those aches and pains leave once you have the baby. Love all the outfits you picked up!
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