How Far Along:
38.5 weeks in the pic but really I'm 3 days away now!!
Baby Size:
A small watermelon - Baby is approximately 20 inches long and weighs about 7.25 lbs (according to BabyCenter)
Have you started to show yet:
Yeah, obvi.
Baby Boy!
Maternity Clothes:
yep, maternity clothes are necessary to get over this large bump. However that top in the pic is just a size up in an oversized sweater to begin with. Super comfy - if you're preggers and interested here's the link: F21 Classic Dolman Sweater - only $15 can't beat that.
Stretch Marks:
Nope! I'm amazed at the proportion I've grown without any marks! Still using the Mama Mio products and loving them! Pick up some for yourself here.
Sleep is hit or miss.. I've been SO stopped up that for weeks that for a while I couldn't sleep b/c i couldn't breathe. now I'm sleeping pretty good, just having trouble going back to sleep after my nightly bathroom breaks.
Best Moment Lately:
Finishing up the nursery and finishing up at work! Now we just wait for Baby! I've also loved all the calls, texts and fb messages I've gotten lately. Lots of people are excited for our little one to get here and it's awesome! Really feeling the love lately.
What I miss:
Hmm probably my shoe collection... The only comfortable shoes I have are my new slippers. I'm seriously considering making them my only pair I bring to the hospital.. other than that I've been living in my Puma sneaks I picked up on our trip to NY 7 years ago... comfort is key people.
Still getting good movement but I'm pretty sure he's run out of room. I keep telling him there's more room to play out here, my ribs aren't going anywhere buddy!
Food Cravings:
Mostly just water or drinks. I feel like a fish! And OMG we've been having brunch at a local Guatemalan cafe after church every Sunday and it definitely is one of the only things that gets my butt out of the house these days... I'll totally be sending Dave to pick up to-go from here after the little man arrives!
I mean look at this, my mouth is watering..
The worst has to be the swelling.. Maternity leave should start when your cankles come in.Besides that I really can't complain, occasional back pain that makes me want to cry but what else is new?
Anything making you queasy or sick:
Nope, pretty much everything sounds good.
Labor Signs:
I've had contractions randomly now for a few weeks. And I've been getting "checked" every week now, things are progressing and the doc thinks he'll be right on time!
Belly Button- In or Out?:
Definitely Out. I don't know how people's don't pop out? Doc assured me it would go back in after, thankfully.
Wedding Rings- On or Off?:
Off as of the past week or so. I can still wear just my diamond but not everyday.
Baby Purchases?:
We ordered all the rest of the little things we needed and I can officially say we're ready for baby now!
Looking forward to:
John Rex's Birthday! And bringing him home :)
And I leave you with some Preggers Humor that's been getting me through these last few days: